Frequently asked questions

What to bring to Roar Active Holiday Clinics

Please ensure your child brings the following:
- Football Boots or other suitable outdoor footwear (for all outdoor clinic/programs).
- Indoor football shoes (for all indoor/futsal clinics/programs).
- Shin pads are advised.
- Water Bottle, Sunscreen and a Hat.
- Light Snacks for 2-3 day holiday clinics.

You will also receive your Brisbane Roar Active Football Pack on arrival.

All children must be signed in on each of the days the clinic is running.
On completion of each day, all participants can head home with their parents and guardians.

What to bring to Roar Active School Programs

Please ensure your child brings the following:

- Football Boots or other suitable outdoor footwear (for all outdoor clinic/programs).
- Indoor football shoes (for all indoor/futsal clinics/programs).
- Shin pads are advised.
- Water Bottle, Sunscreen and a Hat.

Sign in will be open 15 minutes before the start time, please head to the school oval where the Roar Active coaching team will be waiting for you. You will also receive your Brisbane Roar Active Football Pack on arrival.

All children must be signed in on each of the 6 afternoons.

On completion of each session, all participants can head home with their parents and guardians. Alternatively, return to OSHC.

Can any club become a RITC partner?

Interested clubs should contact David Clarkson.

Can my child attend a RITC event if they are not a member at a club?

Yes, but there may be a rare occasion when a RITC is exclusive to members of the host club, and that will be made very obvious in the event details.

Can I cancel out of an event and/or get a refund?

Like all event organisers we have Terms & Conditions that include answers to these questions.

Are the events still on when it rains?

We will email every parent of a registered player if the event is postponed or cancelled for any reason.

Are food and drinks included in events?

Generally no. If they are included it will say so in the “Inclusions” of the event. All players should always have their own water bottle and food if required.

Can parents attend RITC events as spectators?

Yes, but we ask all parents to be supportive and responsible so please refrain from calling out to the children during the event. Anyone behaving inappropriately will be asked to leave by RITC staff.

How do I contact RITC?

Contact David Clarkson.